jueves, 26 de marzo de 2009

America's Appetite for Drugs

1 comentario:

  1. Thank you Ana Maria for the very interesting stuff you care to publish to an audience that is either not up to the understanding or is numb to such matters. The video posted shows clearly why gun control y so important in that side of the Rio Grande and, as secretary Clinton made it clear in her visit; there are legislative lockdowns in place and a well seeded social sense among the americans that make it difficult to restrict gun sales and traffic along the border. Another issue is the now open acceptance by US officials that they (the USA) are the principal consumers of drugs coming along the route from central and south America. I think this is a the first time we´ve seen this level of compromise, meanwhile secretary Napolitano announces programs and dollars in aids for the border. We, in Mexico are playing our part, just today, Cartel leader Carrillo Leyva was aprehended. Let´s wait and see what the Obama administration is willing to do and to what boundaries as they juggle global crisis, ailing car makers, angry public opinion, international affaires and domestic issues.
    -Rafael C.
